Hello Friends,
Before 2017 ends, we would like to share something exciting with you all.
We’re thrilled to bring you the latest version of our ProXcore Software – Version 2.3
The ProXCore version 2.3 includes the following New Feature:
Litecoin (LTC) and Ethereum (ETH) integration with CoinPayments Processor
This means that now members can make Deposits and Purchases with multiple currencies/coins (i.e: BTC, LTC and ETH).
However, they will see plan price and get earnings in default currency (USD). Please
check the following link on how to upgrade to the latest ProXCore version 2.3:
Please also go through the Release Notes on the following link:
Please open a ticket at proxscripts.com if you have any queries regarding the upgradation.
We look forward to your continued support in 2018!
Thank You!
– Team ProXScripts.com