The search box can be found on top of the left side in dashboard. You just need to enter whatever you want to search and click on the Search Icon or press the Enter key on your keyboard. You can search the following things from the search box:.
Member Id, First Name, Last Name, Email Id, Username, Payment Status, Pending Reason, Transaction Number, Amount, Fees, Payment Processor, Payment Method, IP Address, Comments, Ticket Subject, Message, Last Ticket Replier, Last Ticket Replier Id
On the top end, the modules that are purchased are displayed e.g. Investment Plans, Matrix Cycler, Revenue Sharing, Straight Line Cycler etc. Please note that only the modules that you have purchased will be displayed and not all modules will be displayed.
Pending Notifications Icon
The Pending Notifications Icon is displayed on the top right hand side of the Dashboard. This will display the pending Advertisement, Finance, Support and Testimonials notifications. For more on this refer to Notifications section.
You can choose which notifications you want to see here and which ones you don’t want to see from the following page: Settings => Website Settings => Notifications
Quick Menu Icon
- The Quick Menu Icon is located on the top right hand side of the Dashboard. It will be red in color. The benefit of Quick Menu Icon is to access the pages you want regularly quickly instead of going to the menu and accessing them. All you need to do is to just click on the page icon you want to go to and you will be redirected to that page immediately.
Editing Quick Menu Icon
This menu is to arrange the Quick Menu Icons. You can edit the items that you want to show in the Quick Menu from here. The icon is green in color and can be accessed from the top right hand corner of the Dashboard.
If you want to add a quick menu link, then just go click on the respective page on the right hand side, drag it and drop it on the Quick Menu and then click on the Submit Changes button.
How to Remove the icons
There are 2 ways to remove the icons:
1) Drag and Drop: Drag the icon you want to remove and drop it on the bin (Drag To Remove)
2) Remove All: To remove all the icons, click on Remove All.
Make sure you click on Submit Changes otherwise the changes will not be implemented.
How to Add the icons
If you want to add a new Quick Menu Icon, then open the side menu on the left side, click on the respective page and drag it and drop it on the Editing Quick Menu
Make sure you click on Submit Changes otherwise the changes will not be implemented.
Pending Notifications Icon
- Help
- The Help icon can be found on the top right hand side of the Dashboard. Click on Help to access the ProXCore documentation. The documentation will open in a new window.
- Admin Note
- Admin can add any notes in this area for reference.
- Member Statistics
- This area displays various statistics related to members. You can view details like :
Total Registered Members, Total Active Members and Total Inactive Members. It also displays various plan statistics of the module you have purchased. It displays the total number of members with both active and inactive positions of various plans.
Member Statistics will also be displayed in the form of a pie chart.
- Ads Statistics
- Here various Ads Statistics will be displayed like Total Text Ads Shown, Total Text Ads Yet To Be Displayed, Total Banner Ads Shown, Total Banner Ads Yet To Be Displayed, Total Solo Ads Sent, Total Solo Ads Pending, Total Solo Ads Approved and Total Solo Ads Being Sent (Partially Sent). These statistics will also be displayed in the form of a bar chart.
- Financial Statistics
- This section displays finance related statistics. It displays Positions/Shares of your plans of various modules. Statistics such as total number of positions sold, total active positions, total positions amount of a particular plan, total active positions amount and total earnings will be displayed plan-wise here.
Moreover, other statistics will be displayed like Total Payout (Actual), Total Pending Withdrawal Amount, Total Cash Balance, Total Re-purchase Balance, Total Earning Balance, Total Commission Balance, Total Commission Paid, Total Quickener Amount (Regular Earning Plans), Total Matrix Completion Bonus Paid, Total Fees Charged, Total Withdraw Fees Charged, Total Add Fund Amount and Total Plan Purchase Amount. Also Cash By Admin both Total Added and Total Deducted will be displayed. These statistics will be displayed in the form of a Column Chart.
- Notifications
- In this section you will be able to see notifications of Pending Text Ads, Pending Banner Ads, Pending Solo Ads, Pending PPC Ads, Pending PTC Ads, Pending Login Ads, Pending Biz Directory Ads, Pending Withdrawal Requests, Pending Add Fund Requests, Member Tickets Awaiting Reply, Public Tickets Awaiting Reply and Pending Testimonials. You will be able to click on these, which will redirect you to the relevant page.
The Notifications will also be displayed on the top right hand side of the Dashboard. Click on the Notifications icon and you will be able to see the pending notifications.
- Processor Statistics
- This section displays various statistics of each processor like Processor name, Income, Income Fees, Expense, Balance and API Balance.
- Note : API Balance – You can view the live balance of a particular payment processor by clicking on Get. Get will work properly and the balance of a payment processor will be displayed only if the API is configured properly. The payment processors in which this feature is not available, it will display N/A. The payment processors that are inactive, then API Balance will display Disable. .
- Help
The Welcome Area is located on the top Left hand side of the Dashboard.The following information will be displayed in the welcome area :
- Overview - This link is located on the top left hand side. Click on the Overview link to get a general summary of the Dashboard.
- Support - This link is located on the top left hand side. When you click on this link, the "Support Tickets" page will be displayed.
- Information - This link is located on the tope left hand side. When you click on this link, the Script Information and Login Information will be displayed. The following details will be displayed in the Script Info and Login Info area :
- Script Info
- License Key : This will show the License Key of the script you have purchased.
- Registered Domain : This will show the domain for which you have purchased the script.
- Script Version : This displays the Current script version and the Latest script version available.
- Login Info
- Last Login Time : This displays the last date and time you logged into the admin panel of your script.
- Last Login IP : This displays the IP from which the last login occurred.
- Server Time : This displays the date and time of the server.
- Server TimeZone : This displays the timezone of your server.
- Script TimeZone : This displays the timezone of your script.
- Check for Updates : Auto updates are not applicable for this. When you click on Check for Updates and Apply Updates, then the script version will not be upgraded automatically. This is for if you have made any changes in the system, for example, if you have purchased Branding Free option and if you click on Apply Updates, then the system will automatically update the Branding Free option for your site.
- Logout : Click on the Logout link to logout from the admin panel.