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Withdraw Requests

This is an automated system for mass payment. You can select the records you want to pay and make payments. You can also cancel request(s) or mark request(s) as paid if you want to pay them personally. Make sure that all the details of your processors are correct and accurate to avoid transaction failures. This page also displays the withdraw amount statistics. You can also use the search option to search for withdrawal requests by selecting various parameters and the page will display details such as Member Id, Request Date, Username, Payment Processor, Payment Processor Id, Balance, Amount and Fees.

Pending for IPN

When you click on the above button, then you will see withdrawal request records that are waiting for IPN notification from payment processor.

Making Payment to Withdrawal Requests

If you want to pay to all withdrawal requests, then click on the checkbox and select the Action button next to Pending for IPN button and select Pay to all. You can also pay to selected withdrawal requests by clicking on Pay to selected list. Click on the checkbox corresponding to mark selected withdrawal request as paid and then click on Action -> Mark selected as paid. If you want to cancel withdrawal requests, then click on the checkbox of the requests that you wish to cancel and then click on Action -> Cancel selected request(s).

Click on Action -> Pay to pay to a particular member's withdrawal request automatically.

Click on Action -> Mark as Paid if you want to pay a particular member manually and not through the system. This will be marked as paid manually in withdrawal history and no payment will be done from the system for the particular request.

Click on Action -> Cancel Request to cancel a particular withdrawal request. You can review this later in the withdrawal history.

Traditional Masspay

This is the most secure method for payments towards withdrawal requests. Here, you can make payments through the respective payment processors' sites by using Masspay files. Click on the button with the processor name to go to the Masspay file download page. Take a note that only OKPay, Payza, EgoPay and SolidTrustPay allow Masspay files.

Masspay File Download Page of Processor

On the Masspay file download page of the respective processor, click on Download CSV File button for the Masspay file of all the records shown on the page. If you want to cancel any request(s), then click on Action -> Cancel Request of the corresponding record or select checkboxes and click on Cancel Selected Request(s) button. Once you make the payment(s) using the Masspay file, make sure that you do not forget to mark the record(s) as paid by clicking on Mark Selected As Paid or by going to Action -> Mark as Paid.

Automatic Payments

This method is completely automatic and is executed using cronjob. Enable this if you want to make payments to the members automatically every time cronjob runs. Make sure that all the details of your processors are correct and accurate in order to avoid transaction failures. You can enable this method from Settings/Finance -> Settings/Payment Processors page. The table will display the list of failed payments by cronjob, if there are any.

This page will display records with details like Member Id, Request Date, Username, Payment Processor, Payment Processor Id, Amount and Fees.

Total Stats

This page will display the Withdraw Amount Statistics of various payment processors.