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Main Details
  • Site Logo : Select your logo. It will be displayed in front and member side. Supported file format for site logo is .png and Logo Size should be 266x56. Any other logo format apart from .png will not be supported. The site logo will be displayed on the on the top left hand side of the front and member's area.
  • Site Title :* This is the title of your website which appears on top of the browser.
  • Site Email :* Specify the email that you want to use as a Site Email. Site email is used to send emails from the site. All the emails except member/public ticket emails and tell friends feature emails (sent using admin email specified in admin settings) are sent using this email address.
  • Email Signature : The Email Signature will be appended to all the emails being sent from the site. You do not need to put thanks, regards, etc. in the email templates across the site.
  • Ticket Signature : This will be shown in the reply box while you're replying the tickets so that you don't need to type it every time. You can change the text there before replying if you wish.
  • Maintenance Mode :* When you want to keep your site in Maintenance Mode, then you need to select Yes and another box will be displayed below where you can add your custom message. The box is HTML supported. This feature is very useful when you are doing migration or server migration so that there is no mismatch in your database.
    • If you have purchased Branding Free option, then the powered by will not be displayed, otherwise it will be displayed.
  • Allow SSL (https://) : Select Yes if you have purchased SSL and have installed the SSL on your website.

Note : If you have purchased an SSL Certificate and have not installed it on your server, then make sure that you do not select Yes, otherwise your site stop working and will not be accessible. And then there will be no other option except to open a ticket.

  • Affiliate Id :* Specify the Affiliate Id here. You can set the Affiliate Id as per the Member Id of account. By doing this you will get commission every time someone visits from your site and purchases the script. If you don't know your Member Id, login to your account and you will find it in the Overview Page as Referral ID.
  • Powered By Link : Select the option for powered by link ( or that you want to show at the bottom on the front side of your website.
  • Default Language : You can select the default language for your script. If a particular language is not available in the drop down box, then you can add your own language from the following page.
    Design & CMS => Language Edit Phase
  • Display Language Selection on Front Side : Choose Yes if you want to allow members to change the language. If Yes is selected, then members will be able to change the language from the top on the website.
  • Set your Time Zone : Set the time zone of the script here. But, before you set the time zone, make sure that you read the note below.

*Important Note : The date and database entries in the system will be as per the Time Zone you select here. We recommend do keep your Script time zone and Server time zone same so that you can see the actual time of your cronjob run. Your script will still function if the time zones do not match. But, what will happen, for instance the cronjobs run as per the server time and if your script time zone and server time zone are different, then there can be a mismatch in database entry and you will not be able to verify the data accurately.

Secondly, we recommend not to change the Time Zone once site has started/launched. Still, after launch if you have to change the Time Zone, then make sure you take extreme care before changing the Set Your Time Zone option on this page (Settings/Website).

  • Set Time and Date Format :* Specify the format of the date and time you want for your site here. The Date and Time will be displayed on the site as per the format you set here. Refer to the following link, which will help you to set the date and time format of your choice -
  • Custom Logout URL : Set the custom logout URL here. Members will be redirected to the link (URL) you specify here when they logout. Make sure that you do not forget to prefix your URL with http:// or https://
  • Import Contacts Feature from Tell Friends Page : Select "Yes" you want to allow members to import contacts from their email accounts in tell friends page or not. With Tell Friends, members can invite their contacts to join the site and can they can add their Referral Link as well while sending email to their contacts.
  • Enable Member Tickets : Select "Yes" to use the member ticket feature. Select "No" if you don't want members to be able to create and view tickets. The Member Ticket feature allows members to create and view their tickets.
  • Enable Public Tickets : Public Tickets allow non-members to create tickets. Select "Yes" if you want to use the public ticket feature. Select "No" to disable the same. If you disable this, no one will be able to create and view public tickets.
  • Enable Agree With Terms And Conditions : Choose Yes if you want members to tick on I agree with the terms and conditions whenever they make a purchase in the system like advertisement, shares etc.
  • Cache Time : With Caching, the performance of the site will improve. If you increase the Caching time, then the web page description/information added by Admin in the system will come after being cached. This will ensure that there are less queries in the system and will improve performance of your site.

Note : Cache can be used to improve site performance by decreasing database transactions. You can enter the cache time in Minutes, Hours and Weeks. You can cache things like Language, Currency, Theme, etc.

Click on Update to apply the Main Details settings.

Member Tools
  • Shortener Settings

You can choose to enable or disable URL shortener from here. URL Shortening makes a URL shorter in length.

Shortened URLs are convenient to share and email them. They are also suitable to use in messaging technologies where there are limitations to the number of characters that can be used, for instance in Twitter.

    • Enable URL Shortener : You can Enable/Disable URL Shortener anytime from here. If you disable this, then members will not be able to visit their current URL Shorteners and will also not be able to add new URL Shorteners from the member's area. Members can access and add new URL Shorteners from member's area by going to Member Tools => URL Shortener.
    • Display Frame : Select Yes, if you want to display Site Frame at the top when members open the shortened URLs. If you don't want the Site Frame to be displayed, then select No. Please note that this option will not be displayed if Enable URL Shortener is set to No.
  • Rotator Settings

A URL rotator is a very useful tool that can be used by members to promote multiple websites with a single URL. With the help of URL rotator, Members can add a number of website links in a single URL Rotator and publish them worldwide. The URL Rotator is auto generated by the script and is used for rotating the URLs under that rotator. It is unique and not editable.

    • Enable URL Rotator : You can enable/disable the URL Rotator anytime. Members can neither generate new URLs nor visit current ones when you disable this. Members can access and add new URL Rotators from member's area by going to Member Tools => URL Rotator.
    • Display Frame : Select Yes, if you want to display the site frame at the top when members open the rotator URLs. Select No, if you do not wish the site frame to be displayed. Note that this option will not be displayed if Enable URL Shortener is set to No.
  • Dynamic Banner Ad Settings

Members can take the dynamic banners designed by the admin with their data on them and place it on the web.

    • Enable Dynamic Banners : Click on Yes to enable the dynamic banners. Click on No to disable them. You can Enable/Disable the dynamic banners anytime. Dynamic banners will not be shown on front side when you disable them. Admins can go to Promo Tools => Dynamic Banners from the Admin Area and add new/edit current Dynamic Banners from there. Members can access Dynamic Banners in the Member's area from Promo Tools => Dynamic Banners.
Database Operations

Admins can take backup of database from this page. They can do it both manually and also set an automated time for the database backup.

Admins can set the automatic backup time cycle from this page i.e. Daily, Weekly, Monthly. You can click on the Backup button to instantly take backup of the current database. If you suspect that your current database has some bugs, you can click on Repair database. It will fix the bugs and at the end of the test it will show the number of errors in the database. The table on this page shows the list of the available backups. You can restore database of a particular date by clicking on Action -> Restore Backup icon and the restore operation will be performed. It is also possible to Delete the backups. Click on Action -> Delete to delete a particular database backup.

Auto Backup Settings

Select Automatic Backup Time Cycle : You can specify the automatic backup time cycle from here i.e. exactly when you want the database backup to occur. You can set automatic backups on a Daily, Weekly and Monthly basis. If you select Weekly, then you will need to specify the day as well when you wish the script to take the backup. If you choose Monthly, then you will need to specify day of the month that you wish the script to take the backup. Select No if you do not want the script to take automatic database backup.

Search Option

Select Automatic Backup Time Cycle : You can conduct a search for backups available from here.

Database Limits
As a Database grows and increases in size, it becomes too big for cronjobs of PHP scripts to handle backup as the amount of data within it causes various server limitations to exceed, usually around the 18 MB mark. Unfortunately, being big simply means that for a PHP script to loop through and save that data into temporary memory in order to generate a full backup is not possible - either the memory limit or max execution time limit on the server side of things will get underway before the backup completes and will terminate the script. Therefore, the only option at that stage is to consider using an alternative backup means such as WHM automated backups or phpMyAdmin exports.

Logs Settings

You can specify settings for various Logs from this page. If you want to keep track of the various logs, then you just need to Check the respective checkbox and enter the Number of Days for which you want to keep the particular logs. For example, if you set the value 60 for admin activity text box, then the admin activity logs will be deleted when they are more than 60 days old. Specify 0 (Zero) if you never want to remove them.

If you do not want to keep track of any of the logs, then you can do so by disabling the relevant log by Unchecking the respective checkbox. You can set Log Settings for the following by specifying the number of days :

  • Admin Activity
  • Member Activity
  • Admin Logs
  • Member & IP Logs
  • Cronjob Logs
  • Processor Trace Logs
  • Sent Emails

Click on Update to apply the settings.

Launch Date Settings

You can specify various settings of the Launch Date of your site from this page. Launch settings such as site launch date, time zone, date theme and theme title can be specified from here. These will be displayed before the launch of your program.

  • Launch Theme Title :* You can change the title of the launch theme here.
  • Site Launch Date : A counter of Days and Time left will be displayed on the front side by calculating the current date and time you specify here.
  • Site Launch Time Zone : Set the Time Zone for the launch date here. The Counter will be shown accordingly on the front side.
  • Launch Date Theme : Select the theme you want to display for launch date counter on front side. There are 3 launch date themes available.

Click on Update to apply the settings.

Currency Settings

Admin can add/edit/delete currencies from this page. Kindly note that US Dollar is the default currency in the script. You can add new currencies of your choice with their corresponding Code, Prefix, Suffix and Conversion Rate with US Dollar. Therefore, when you set any other currency as the default currency, figures will be shown and recorded in logs and emails after converting them with the conversion ratio you specify for that currency. Make sure you do not forget to press 'Update Exchange Rates' button once you're done with adding/editing the currencies.

  • Adding Currencies
    Click on the Add New button in the Currency Settings (Settings / Website Page)
    • Currency Code :* Specify the ISO 4217 currency code for the currency here. For example the ISO 4217 code for US Dollar is USD, Euro is EUR, Russian Rouble is RUB etc.
    • Prefix :* Enter the sign that will be prefixed to the figures when this currency is set as default. For Example, £, ¥, $, €, etc.
    • Suffix :* Specify the sign that will be suffixed to the figures when this currency is set as default. For Example, GBP, JPY, USD, EUR, etc.
    • Base Conversion Rate :* Enter the conversion rate (From US Dollar i.e. Default Currency of the script to the currency you are specifying). You need to enter the conversion rate in figures of this currency that equals to 1 USD. For Example, 0.61 For British Pound while 102.50 For Japanese Yen. You can also enter "0" and after you add the currency, click on "Update Exchange Rates" and the "Base Conversion Rate" will automatically be updated.

Click on Submit to add the currency.

Editing Currencies
Go to the respective currency in the Currency Settings tab and click on Action -> Edit.

Cronjob Settings

*Important Note : Take extreme care while running Manual Cronjobs. Your internet connection must continue when manual cronjob is running. In case if it Breaks or if you Close the window during the process, then Problems may occur and the script will Not Be Responsible for the same.

  • To run the cronjob manually, click on Run Cronjob Manually button.
    • Receive Cronjob Run Notifications :* Click on Yes, if you want to receive email notifications in the admin email address when cronjobs run on your server and if you do not wish to receive email notifications, then click on No.

Choose whether you want to receive notifications for the following. Select Yes if you want to receive notifications, otherwise No. The Notifications will be displayed in the Admin area on the top at the right hand side.

  • Pending Text Ads
  • Pending Banner Ads
  • Pending Solo Ads
  • Pending PPC Ads
  • Pending PTC Ads
  • Pending Login Ads
  • Pending Biz Directory
  • Pending Withdrawal Requests
  • Pending Add Fund Requests
  • Member Tickets Awaiting Reply
  • Public Tickets Awaiting Reply
  • Pending Testimonials